NHS Dudley Health Economy Medicines Formulary
Home > 10 Musculoskeletal and joint diseases > 10.1 Drugs used in rheumatic diseases and gout > 10.1.3 Drugs that suppress the rheumatic disease process > Ustekinumab for moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease after previous treatment - NICE TAG TA456

Ustekinumab for moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease after previous treatment - NICE TAG TA456

1.1 Ustekinumab is recommended, within its marketing authorisation, as an option for treating moderately to severely active Crohn's disease, that is, for adults who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a TNF‑alpha inhibitor or have medical contraindications to such therapies.

1.2The choice of treatment between ustekinumab or another biological therapy should be made on an individual basis after discussion between the patient and their clinician about the advantages and disadvantages of the treatments available. If more than 1 treatment is suitable, the least expensive should be chosen (taking into account administration costs, dosage and price per dose).

1.3 Ustekinumab should be given until treatment failure (including the need for surgery) or until 12 months after the start of treatment, whichever is shorter. People should then have their disease reassessed in accordance with NICE's recommendations for infliximab and adalimumab for the treatment of Crohn's disease to see whether treatment should continue.


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