NHS Dudley Health Economy Medicines Formulary
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Welcome to the Dudley Formulary website

The new Black Country Formulary website has been launched and will go live from 24th April 2023. The website can be accessed via this link https://www.blackcountryformulary.nhs.uk/

Gastrointestinal and Cardiovascular are the first live chapters of the formulary. For all other chapters please refer to your Trust/place-based formularies. This system wide formulary remains in development and additional chapters will be added in future months.

The guidance on this site aims to provide concise advice that is useful as an “aide-memoir” in the management of a range of therapeutic conditions. It includes recommended drug therapy that takes account of efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness. 

The selections are intended to be appropriate for the majority of situations in primary care but prescribers will need to use other products for specific situations. This guidance seeks to advise, not constrain practice. The selections are also intended to provide guidance at the initiation of therapy, it is not intended that patients stabilised on drugs not included in this website should be transferred to these choices.

The advice provided is not comprehensive and prescribers should consult other appropriate sources for more detailed information, including full licensed indications, e.g. the British National Formulary. This particularly applies when prescribing for children, elderly people and women who are pregnant.

The Area Clinical Effectiveness Committee, CCG Prescribing Sub Committee and the local trust Drug and Therapeutics Committee supports generic prescribing as an important aspect of good prescribing except in a few exceptional circumstances where consistency of source of supply is important clinically.

Opinions and comments have been sought and incorporated from relevant specialists within The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust.

The contents of this site will be reviewed continuously in light of significant developments in the evidence base or safety concerns. This entire site will be reviewed yearly.

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Version 1.4

Last updated 18/05/2023

Site by Devopa
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