NHS Dudley Health Economy Medicines Formulary
Home > 2 Cardiovascular system > 2.12 Lipid-regulating drugs > Ezetimibe for treating primary heterozygous-familial and non-familial hypercholesterolaemia - NICE TAG TA385

Ezetimibe for treating primary heterozygous-familial and non-familial hypercholesterolaemia - NICE TAG TA385


1.1 This guidance should be used with NICE's guidelines on cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification and familial hypercholesterolaemia: identification and management.

1.2 Ezetimibe monotherapy is recommended as an option for treating primary (heterozygous‑familial or non‑familial) hypercholesterolaemia in adults in whom initial statin therapy is contraindicated.

1.3 Ezetimibe monotherapy is recommended as an option for treating primary (heterozygous‑familial or non‑familial) hypercholesterolaemia in adults who cannot tolerate statin therapy (as defined in section 1.6).

1.4 Ezetimibe, co‑administered with initial statin therapy, is recommended as an option for treating primary (heterozygous‑familial or non‑familial) hypercholesterolaemia in adults who have started statin therapy when:

  • serum total or low‑density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentration is not appropriately controlled (as defined in section 1.7) either after appropriate dose titration of initial statin therapy or because dose titration is limited by intolerance to the initial statin therapy (as defined in section 1.6) and

  • a change from initial statin therapy to an alternative statin is being considered.

1.5 When prescribing ezetimibe co‑administered with a statin, ezetimibe should be prescribed on the basis of lowest acquisition cost.

1.6 For the purposes of this guidance, intolerance to initial statin therapy is defined as the presence of clinically significant adverse effects that represent an unacceptable risk to the patient or that may reduce compliance with therapy.

1.7 For the purposes of this guidance, appropriate control of cholesterol concentrations should be based on individual risk assessment according to national guidance on managing cardiovascular disease in the relevant populations.


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