General guidance
- Histamine H2 receptor (H2RA) antagonists remain useful agents for some patients with mild to moderate GORD.
- Cimetidine has several important drug interactions.
- Significant numbers of patients remain on treatment doses of these agents without any apparent attempt to step down their therapy.
- Planned step-down should be discussed with the patient upon initiation of treatment and should be carried out.
- Gynaecomastia with cimetidine appears to be dose dependent. At the lower dose commonly used it is very rare.
- Intravenous histamine H2-receptor antagonists are ineffective in acute ulceration and have been reported to increase infective complications. Therefore they should not be used in general hospital practice.
Recommended drugs:
1st line Ranitidine
2nd line Cimetidine
Drug Traffic Light Key:
Green – On Formulary
Amber – Restricted use, see local guidelines
Purple – Specialist use/initiation
Red – Non Formulary
Relative Costs Key (where indicated):
£££££ - high
£££ - moderate
£ - low