General Guidance
- Antimuscarinics vary in potency and duration of action.
- Darkly pigmented iris is more resistance to pupillary dilation and caution should be exercised to avoid over dosage.
- Mydriasis may precipitate acute angle-closure glaucoma. Those at special risk are usually aged over 60 years and hypermetropic (long-sighted)
- Patients should be warned not to drive for 1-2 hours after mydriasis.
- Cyclopentolate 0.5% or 1% is useful for refraction in children.
Recommended drugs
Atropine eye drops
Tropicamide (for eye examinations)
Drug Traffic Light Key:
Green – On Formulary
Amber – Restricted use, see local guidelines
Purple – Specialist use/initiation
Red – Non Formulary
Relative Costs Key (where indicated):
£££££ - high
£££ - moderate
£ - low